What to Expect
Prepare for Care
Care with Dr. Ryeder can look very different session to session. There may be standing, sitting, movement exercises, massage, meditation, journalling, depending on our collaborative care plan.
Chiropractic is done clothed. Come to your sessions wearing comfortable clothing that you can move in, but is loose enough that it can be rolled up easily.
Clear your schedule after sessions if you are able. It's best not to have to rush after an appointment to allow for integration in all that you do.
Consider this option: prepare a loved one in advance to talk with you or see you after your appointment. Sometimes sessions are emotional or inspiring and aftercare or a debrief may be beneficial.

About Ryeder
Licensed Chiropractic Physician & Functional Medicine Practitioner
Ryeder completed their Doctorate of Chiropractic in Portland, OR where they first began practice in 2018 and now practice exclusively in South Seattle. They are a queer, neurodivergent, trans, non-binary, BIPOC belonging to the Jewish diaspora. Ryeder's pronouns are they/them but you can't mess them up so don't worry about it too much. They are a survivor of early childhood loss as well as other traumatic events, have a history in one on one and group addiction counseling, are familiarized with 12-Step lineages including ACA, and are in a constant state of awe for the movements and visions we co-create for a better, caring future.
The Bone Witch, D.C. currently offers single sessions and packages with two to three tiers of payment options: Access, General and Launch. Theoretically, General Rates keep me open and Launch Rates support a growing sliding scale. Additionally, there is a running new patient sliding scale starting at $97 for a 90-minute first appointment
Schedule a free consultation to ask me anything about my practice, my offerings, or my approach
to bodywork.

I am local and not indigenous to of the land that is now referred to in the settlers' tongue as Seattle, WA. Today I live and work in King County, the traditional lands of the Duwamish, Coast Salish, Stillaguamish, Suquamish, Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla and many other Tribes who made their homes along the Duwamish River. People from these bands today have joined to become Muckleshoot, as well as the Confederated Tribes of The Umatilla Indian Reservation.
The Bone Witch D.C. pays respect to the elders past and present who have stewarded this land and each other throughout generations. They also pay Real Rent to the Duwamish Tribe.